Position | Name | Phone | |
President | Kate Gniel | 0415 169 015 | president@sharksjfc.org.au |
Vice President | Ritchie Appleby | vicepresident@sharksjfc.org.au | |
Secretary | Andrew Genever | 0478 406 622 | secretary@sharksjfc.org.au |
Treasurer | Angela Brown | treasurer@sharksjfc.org.au | |
Coaches Coordinator | Michael James | 0438 976 632 | coaches@sharksjfc.org.au |
YJFL Coordinator | Damien Noonan | 0437 716 339 | yjfl@sharksjfc.org.au |
Team Manager Coordinator | Ingrid Ross | 0401 586 255 | teams@sharksjfc.org.au |
Senior Club Liaison | Kevin George | 0425 730 694 | keving@rjwaller.com.au |
Football Operations Coordinator | TBC | football@sharksjfc.org.au | |
Equipment Coordinator | Michael James | 0438 976 632 | equipment@sharksjfc.org.au |
Merchandise Coordinator | Nina Foxwell | 0409 564 724 | merchandise@sharksjfc.org.au |
Events and Promotions Manager | Nina Foxwell | 0409 564 724 | events@sharksjfc.org.au |
Admin Support | Jodi Haddrick | 0422 229 253 | admin@sharksjfc.org.au |
Registrar | Katie Price Dustin Albers | registrar@sharksjfc.org.au | |
Team Selection Coordinator | TBC | teamselection@sharksjfc.org.au | |
Conduct Officer | TBC | conduct@sharksjfc.org.au | |
Grants Coordinator | Sean McGowan | 0416 070 239 | grants@sharksjfc.org.au |
Auskick Coordinator | Kate Gniel | 0415 169 015 | auskick@sharksjfc.org.au |
Position | Name | Phone | |
Sponsorship Coordinator | Nina Foxwell | 0409 564 724 | sponsorship@sharksjfc.org.au |
Girls Coordinator | Mike Newton | 0409 017 882 | girlsfooty@sharksjfc.org.au |
Recruitment Coordinator | Michael James | 0438 976 632 | recruitment@sharksjfc.org.au |
Grounds and Council Liaison | TBC | projects@sharksjfc.org.au | |
Child Safety Officer | TBC | childsafetyofficer@sharksjfc.org.au | |
Canteen and Bar Coordinator | TBC | bar@sharksjfc.org.au | |
Canteen and Purchasing Manager | TBC | purchasing@sharksjfc.org.au | |
Website Administrator | Shaun Ruigrok | 0410 796 647 | webmaster@sharksjfc.org.au |
Shark Attack Editor | Jason Van Hess | 0409 855 712 | communications@sharksjfc.org.au |