Colts / Youth Girls Sharks Jacket

As a Colts/Youth Girls player the Sharks Committee promote this group as Ambassadors and to recognise this, the Club provides each player with a jacket bearing their ‘nickname’ and which distinguishes them from the remainder of the Club players.

The coordination of the jackets purchase falls to the Team Manager/s of the team in consultation with the Clubs Secretary and Merchandise Coordinator.

Each jacket may adorn the recipient player’s nickname in accordance with the adopted standard. The Committee retains the right to reject the nickname should it be deemed inappropriate or derogatory.

Anzac Day Ceremony

It is the expectation of the Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club (Sharks) Committee that ALL Colts/Youth Girls players attend and represent the club at the Anzac Day Dawn Service in Ringwood annually.

Coordination of this attendance is the responsibility of the Sharks Club and Vice Captains at the time.

A point of contact for the Colts/Youth Girls attendance can be made via the Ringwood RSL – phone 9870 6604.

It is the responsibility of the Club Captains and Vice Captains to arrange for the purchase and laying of a wreath in Sharks colours – Red, White and Black.

Cost of the wreath will be met by the Sharks Junior Football Club upon presentation of a receipt to the Sharks Club Treasurer.

Cost of a breakfast for players attending, post the service, will be considered on receipt of an application by the relevant Colts Team Managers prior to attending the service. The expense is to be limited to $100.