Social Media Code of Conduct

  1. Social media can be fun, helpful and dangerous.

    Comments, notes and photos posted on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and online forums are usually constructive and positive. But negative comments and images, bullying, criticism and sexist remarks can be dangerous and harmful to people's wellbeing and reputation and the image of the sport.

  2. Do not use social media to be critical of teammates, coaches, officials, administrators, volunteers, or spectators.

    Any comment you make on social media sites has the potential to be seen by millions of people. That is great if comments are positive. But it can be extremely negative and harmful if critical of people. Before you post a comment on social media ask yourself this.

    Would I want millions of people to read something negative about me?

  3. Always assume the person you are talking/writing about will see what has been said/written.

    Just because an online chat is between two people does not mean it remains private and nobody else can see it. Social media is accessible to everyone. Even if the person you are discussing does not see it, somebody else may. The result is you rather than the person you are ridiculing will be seen in a negative light.

  4. Use social media as a positive outlet to promote players, teammates, teams, clubs, and others involved in junior football.

    Posting results and acknowledging individual and team performances on social media makes many people aware of team and individual achievements. That can have a positive effect for many people and should be used, encouraged, and embraced wherever and whenever possible.

  5. Remember to show respect.

    When using social media, show the same respect and regard for people that you would show and are expected to show when playing, officiating, or attending a junior football game.

  6. When in doubt leave it out.

    If you are unsure if what you are posting on social media is appropriate, then it is best not to post it.

    When in doubt leave it out!

  7. Do not tolerate or condone poor social media behaviour or actions.

    If you are aware of or observe poor social media behaviour or actions, do not accept it. There is no place for it in junior football and it will not be condoned. You should remind people of their responsibilities when using social media and warn that action can be taken against them. In the instance of minors breaching the code of conduct, or you believe the breach regardless of seriousness has been made please report it to Club Officials immediately.

  8. Be aware that your actions on social media may have serious consequences.

    Negative comments and images, bullying, criticism and sexist remarks do not only impact negatively on the people they are about. If you are found to have acted improperly on social media regarding a junior football related matter, you are liable to disciplinary proceedings and may be required to face a tribunal hearing to explain your actions. A suspension from junior football could be imposed.

    The club has the responsibility to inform the Victoria Police of such breaches in certain circumstances.

  9. Consider social media to be your personal brand.

    Your internet presence fuels any perception of your personal brand – whether you like it or not. Does your social media identity match your real identity? Be mindful of the content of photos, status updates, Tweets. Are they truly reflective of who you are and how you want people to see you?

Please Note

If a breach of the PONRJFC Social Media Code of Conduct is discovered, the following Social Network Policy by the YJFL will be implemented and followed by the Club Committee.

If you have any questions or have seen evidence of breaches of the Social Media Code of Conduct, please contact the Club President or the Conduct Officer.

YJFL Social Networking Policy

  1. Any Person who is found to have engaged in or is suspected of engaging in the unacceptable use of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other social networking site, including blogs, in connection with the game of Australian Football in relation to the Yarra Junior Football League in any way may be dealt with by the Yarra Junior Football League as it deems fit, notwithstanding the behaviour did not occur on the playing field.

  2. Without limiting the operation of this Rule, unacceptable use may involve the Person:

    i. Criticising umpires, players, officials, or any other person involved in the Yarra Junior Football League.

    ii. Engaging in but not limited to, the following misuses of technology: harassing, teasing, intimidating, racially vilifying, or threatening another person by sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, phone messages, digital pictures or images, or Web site postings (including social network sites e.g., Facebook or blogs) and the sending, receiving and or possession of naked or sexually explicit images of a person.

    iii. Engaging in any other behaviour which the Yarra Junior Football League reasonably determines, in its absolute discretion, to have breached this policy.

  3. In addition, it is important to note:

    i. It is not relevant that the Person making the remarks was not aware that the content could or would be made publicly available.

    ii. Members must also be aware that postings from their individual accounts, whether done by themselves or another person will remain the responsibility of the account owner.

    iii. All members of the Yarra Junior Football league and individual clubs must be aware that in certain circumstances where a crime has been committed, they may also be subjected to a criminal investigation by Police over which the league and/or club will have no control.

  4. Procedure

    a. Yarra Junior Football League and/or club officials or members who feel that they have been the victims of such misuses of technology should save and store the offending material on their computer, mobile phone, or other device. They should then print/ save a copy of the material and immediately report the incident to the relevant club representative who will forward the evidence to the Yarra Junior Football League.

    b. All reports of cyberbullying and other technology misuses will be investigated fully in accordance with Yarra Junior Football League rules and regulations and may result in a notification to Police where the SCHEDULE U 127 Yarra Junior Football League or the club is legally obliged to do so. If there is evidence, charges will be laid.

  5. Penalties

    a. Any proven charges may lead to a suspension for a registered player or club official. In deciding the final penalty, consideration will be given to the seriousness of the act, the impact on the victim, the impact on the club and/or the Yarra Junior Football League and the prior good history or otherwise of the player or official. Players charged with these types of offences for a second or subsequent time and where a suspension has been previously imposed will face deregistration.

    b. Any player or official presented before the tribunal for the first or subsequent time on a cyberbullying offence must be aware that the penalties available to the tribunal members will cover the complete range including deregistration. c. In the case of a non-playing club member being proved to have engaged in harassment or bullying, the club employing, engaging, or otherwise associated with the person at the time of the conduct shall be deemed to be vicariously liable for the conduct of the person and shall pay to the Yarra Junior Football League a fine or bond to be determined by the Yarra Junior Football League.